How to create a simple non-religious grace practice [5 WAYS]
wellness Whitney Prendergast wellness Whitney Prendergast

How to create a simple non-religious grace practice [5 WAYS]

Whether you want to connect with a higher power or give thanks for the food on your plate, saying grace is a powerful way to take a moment for what matters every day. Even if you’re not formally religious (🙋‍♀️ hi, me neither!) you can create a grace ritual that will feel great for you. Here are 5 things to consider as you design your daily grace practice.

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3 apps to (painlessly) cut your social media use
wellness Whitney Prendergast wellness Whitney Prendergast

3 apps to (painlessly) cut your social media use

Our mental energy is precious. And when social media apps are literally in the business of manipulating you into spending more time on them, consciously using technology is crucial to live a balanced life. It seems counterintuitive, using technology to manage technology, right? But these three apps really put YOU in control, so you can use tech wisely (rather than letting it use you.)

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